Friday, April 13, 2007

judging is hard work

I guess this being Easter week and all, judges don't feel the need to come to work or to tell their staff that they are bothering to show up. After much discussion, I had my client all prepped to accept a deal on her armed robbery/carjacking case today (six years to twenty plus two for the gun), but we couldn't do it today because the judge didn't show. The courtroom was filled with her family and friends. They have to come back next week and I have to worry about the kid talking herself out of talking the deal. She's so young, but she needs to take the deal.

I had a client yesterday for sentencing who pleaded guilt to delivery of marijuana a few weeks ago. The deal would be probation and keeping the conviction off his record. He tried to tell the judge that he didn't realize that he had pleaded guilty at the previous court date. OK, so you stood in front of the judge who explained all the rights to trial that you were giving up and you told her what you had done that made you guilty of the offense. And you signed the fucking form that I went over with you that had the plea agreement and all the rights you were giving up. But you accidently entered a plea. Right. The judge wasn't hearing any of that.

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